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    Before the police arrived, Qi Lihe campus of the Stanford Uhrough a quiet street, off the black sweater coat,  the roadside druhe er。 Turn the d disappeared ihe stream ops flowing。

    "Max, what"s the speiattoo?" Qi Li hand。

    Max is usio fihe I, said: "A a f in the police, the British aaly Ameriers in prison oftehe liers。"

    "What about the properties of the rock?" Qi Lin to ue to ask。

    "Some of the prisohat they are the property of the prison。 Alcatraz Island, also known as rod。"

    "The prisohe Alcatraz Island prison? Alcatraz Island prison is   the closure of it? This killer is  is not possible to be a prisoner of Alcatraz Island, from the age of spe that his grandfather ossible。" Qi Lin are malicious guess, "is his grao beihe Alcatraz Islao i of Grandpa?"

    Qi Lin raised his left hand, fag the mysteri o, said: Alcatraz Island may hide a large seax, we"re going to find out。"


    Alcatraz Islahe San Francisco Bay Sea, iime a ship shuttle tourists on the island。

    Qi Lin in San Francisco Bay, pier 33 ht a booklet orodu of the Alcatraz Island ohe iron fehe sea  breakihe boat galloped away。

    In the middle of the 19th d on Alcatraz Island had built the first o of the Ues lighthouse, guides ships into San Francisc the civil war, here is the west of the Mississippi River Basi military fortress; theo beilitary prison, until 1933 forces withdraw the demon island。

    In 1934 Alcatraz Island became a federal prisohe Ues held the fierd most notorious repute fel the island g waves and ferocious bloodthirsty sharks bee natural barriers to Alcatraz priso impossible。

    In 1963, the Ues gover in vieris costs too high closed the prison, the islaion pris traher prisons。

    Today, Alcatraz Island has beous tourist park in San Francisco city。

    The ship was oraz Islaher with other tourists boarded the reef island。 Received a headset, while listenirodu of the tuide, while visiting the island。

    You  see the way seaside reef beato the paradise of birds, crab, red billed White Peli groups of floating on the surface of the water, leisurely looked at tourists from afar; time ao destroy the remnahouse ruins still stands; the Civil War legacy of rusty fi fa... -->>





